AllAvailability and Activities

Planned activities

    Current activities

      Completed activities

      • 18.10.2024 08:35-08:52 Webseite downtime due to reboot
      • 30.06.2024 - 12:00 - 13:00 reduced availability due to planned release - upgrade of system components
      • 28.06.2024 - fixed approx. 11:00 - Interruption in interoperable legal traffic - unannounced SSL certificate of a new issuer has been added to the list of participants of the Federal Chancellery - the problem's solution is in progress
      • 19.06.2024 14:20 - eGov list of participants of the Federal Chancellery FCh - Sporadic disturbances and outages
      • 10.05.2024 17:30 - 13.05.2024 08:30 parcial interruption of mail delivery for HRAs due to a Zefix service issue
      • 25.04.2024 13:40 - 26.04.2024 09:40 parcial service interruption of the Zefix Webservice for Commercial Registry Entrys
      • 15.12.2023 05:00 - 05:15 Restart of a router in the data centre - interruption of PrivaSphere Secure Messaging for approx. 15 minutes
      • 12.11.2023 from approx. 11:00: no automatic generation of the validator report of the federal government ( for the qualified signature possible. Clarifications with the Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication FOITT are in progress.
      • 20.11.2023 15:50 - 16:53 - The Federal Statistical Office BfS reports: "The customer platform sedex Espace is unavailable and we are trying to find out why. Our provider and BIT are trying to solve the problem as quickly as possible." PrivaSphere affects some customers of the Federal Administration for whose services sedex is used - as well as some cantons that transmit transactions via sesex trade register.
      • 10/28/2023 approx. 1200 - 10/31/2023 0400: POP3 protocol failure - mails cannot be downloaded. However, incoming mails are retrievable in WebMail and will be delivered after the bug is fixed. The technical department is working on fixing the problem.
      • 13.09.2023 0715 – 1530: Confidential and eGov messages sent via SMTP could not be delivered correctly due to a technical failure. We recommend ignoring any receipts and resending the message immediately to avoid missing any deadline. The affected senders have been informed.
      • 08/10/2023 Microsoft has changed the authentication certificate without notice. PrivaSphere has redeposited it for the domains that were affected.
      • 07/16/2023 Microsoft has changed the authentication certificate without notice. PrivaSphere has redeposited it for the domains that were affected.
      • 26.07.2023 09:59 - ca. 10:02: short system interruption - unplanned restart of a core router in the data centre
      • 13.06.2023 13:15 - 13:36: Directory of participants for electronic legal transactions of the Federal Office of Justice: Due to a hardware failure at the cloud operator, some services are not available
      • 05/30/2023 Microsoft has changed the authentication certificate without notice. PrivaSphere has redeposited it for the domains that were affected.
      • 18.05.2023 (ascent day) 08:00 - ca. 11:00: PrivaSphere Secure Messaging partially restricted due to maintenance
      • 06.05.2023 0930 - 1100: Maintenance work PrivaSphere Secure Messaging - platform not available
      • 30.04.2023 - Interoperable eGov traffic: unfortunately some expiry receipts were generated - even though the mails were correctly delivered and read.
      • 29.03.2023 from 06:00 until approx. 08:00: Maintenance window Kt. Bern - BE login is not available during the maintenance window
      • 16.03.2023 01:00 - 16.03.2023 05:00: Short interruptions in interoperable eGov delivery possible: Security update of the TVZP of the Federal Office of Justice: In the course of the updates of the systems, several short interruptions of the systems may occur.
      • 22.02.-24.02.2023 - MobileID login disruption
      • 16.02.2023 01:00 - 16.02.2023 05:00: Short interruptions in interoperable eGov delivery possible: Security update of the TVZP of the Federal Office of Justice: In the course of the updates of the systems, several short interruptions of the systems may occur.
      • 14.02.2023 - PrivaSphere Sign&Send: Due to a change in the Swisscom AIS signature, a current version of the discrete HTML signer (14.02.2023 and younger) must be used for signing. Therefore use Sign&Send directly from your PrivaSphere account and install the latest version of the Outlook AddIn (version 3.3.1).
      • 20.02.2023 - Due to a change in the mail infrastructure of the Federal Office of Information Technology FOITT, outgoing PrivaSphere pickup invitations from senders of the senders hosted at the FOITT were delivered partially delayed. The problem could be fixed immediately.
      • 20.12.2022 approx. 15:00 - approx. 18:00: high load due to misrouted mail routing of a large customer to the PrivaSphere infrastructure. Impact: delayed processing of mails that were delivered via SMPT
      • 15.12.2022 01:00 - 15.12.2022 05:00: Short interruptions in interoperable eGov delivery possible: Security update of the TVZP of the Federal Office of Justice: In the course of the updates of the systems, several short interruptions of the systems may occur.
      • 06.10.2022 01:00 - 06:00 - Upgrades of the core infrastructure of our hosting partner iWay - Several interruptions occur during this period.
      • 15.09.2022 01:00 - 05:00: Short interruptions in interoperable eGov delivery possible: Security update of the TVZP of the Federal Office of Justice: In the course of the updates of the systems, several short interruptions of the systems may occur.
      • Sunday 04.09.2022 0600 - 1000 h: Service interruption PrivaSphere Secure Messaging due to maintenance work
      • Interruption: 09/01/2022 01:00 - 09/01/2022 05:00 - FOJ Electronic Subscriber Directory - affects interoperable eGov enrollment - There may be several brief interruptions to the systems during the course of the updates.
      • 14.06.2022 19:15 - The Problem could be solved at the provider of the TVZP. The directory is online again.
      • 06/14/2022 17:34 Provider update: Cloud provider and colocation center specialists are hard at work on site.
      • 06/14/2022 15:39 Outage of the cloud services of the BJ's eGov participant directory - Internet connection interrupted. No delivery of interoperable eGov messages possible.
      • 28.04.2022 approx. 07:00 - 08:00: limited availability dur to a master key outage
      • 05.04.2022 11:15 - 11:20: service unavailable (short interuption) sue to an outage of a core network component
      • 05.02.2022 - 10.02.2022 - Delivery of interoperable collection receipts partly delayed due to SMIME problems with encryption
      • 13.12.2021 Vulnerability "Log4Shell": PrivaSphere is not affected. We use log4j, but not a version that uses the vulnerable component JndiLookup.class
      • 10.12.2021 - 17:00 - 17:15: Short disruption due to a failure in the DB cluster
      • Saturday, December 11th between 10am and 4pm: Information on - Signature validator is not available for a maximum of 30 minutes. During this time, both discrete validation and validation via the web application will not be possible.
      • 12.07.2021 ca. 10:45 - 15:45: Swisscom AIS service down - PrivaSphere Sign & Send is currently not available - see:
      • 01.07.2021 20:30 - 21:50: System disturbance: website partially unavailable, login with difficulty
      • 30.06.2021 - approx. 00:30 to approx. 09:00 - disruption in TLS backbone - partial delay in delivery of interoperable messages and receipts
      • 17 June 2021 07:00 - approx. 13:00: Due to a malfunction at the certificate issuer Swisssign, various functions are interrupted (SuisseID login, OCSP certificate checks, ...) - see:
      • June 17, 2021 - 06:00 to approx. 06:30 - Short interruptions due to upgrade of some system components
      • 15 juin 2021 - 08:45 à environ 11:00 - En raison d'un malfonctionnement d'un routeur central, la connexion Internet a été interrompue.
      • 20.05.2021 05:00-07:00 - Service interruption due to maintenance work on the Secure Messaging Service
      • 14.04.2021 00:27 - 06:45: Failure of some operating components - The failure could be resolved
      • 22.01.2021 from approx. 12:00 - 28.01.2021: interoperable eGov exchange with Incamail platform (Post) partially not possible - technical problem at Incamail (IncaMail availability)
      • 24.01.2021 from approx. 07:00 until approx. 12:00: Accessibility of the open PrivaSphere homepage limited - PrivaSphere Secure Messaging was running properly and was accessible
      • 20.01.2021 from approx. 12:45 to approx. 24:00: Delivery of interoperable eGov registered mail to recipient of Incamail platform (Post) not possible - Incamail platform not reachable
      • 29.12.2020 from 00:00 - 17:00: eGov interoperability compromised due to problems of the FOJ electronic subscriber directory
      • 11.11.2020 17:15 - 17:45: No availability of the main platform due to failure of system components
      • 19.10.2020 approx. 10:00 - 15:30: Login with SuisseID only partially possible
      • 8.10.2020 13:32 - ca.13:52: unavailability of platform due to short DOS
      • 29.09.2020 15:45 - 17:15: delayed issue of PDF receipts for electronic legal transactions - all receipts were created and delivered
      • 31.08.2020 - approx. 11.09.2020: Limited OCSP verification of Swisssign certificates (SuisseID etc.) due to an attack on the Swissign infrastructure: It is partially not possible to log in with the SuisseID, send SuisseID signed PDF documents as eGov registered mail or sign PDF files locally with the SuisseID. SwissID-Login is still affected and possibly temporarily only limited available. (update 09.09.2020)
      • 10.09.2020 07:55-11:50 - Delay in delivery of interoperable eGov registered mail: Incamail has changed the encryption certificate and not registered with the eGov - thus a transmission was not possible.
      • 27.07.2020 14:17 - 16:40 fixed: Disruption of the infrastructure at and the superordinate subscriber directory of the federal government for eGov interoperability (FenceIT AG) - eGov validator reports cannot be generated and the eGov interoperability is partially restricted.
      • 03.04.2020 08:00: Disruption in the validation of SuisseID certificates due to problems with Swisssign's Platinum OCSP - Login using SuisseID and verification of signatures partially disrupted
      • as per 25.07.2017: New IP addresses for PrivaSphere: ** ** - Please make sure that the firewall rules are correct. In the transition phase, the old and new IP addresses are used in parallel. (later also IPv6 2a0a:de00::/64)
      • 12.02.2020 00:25 - 03:22 - Malfunction in the data center - partial interruptions of availability
      • 13.01.2020: PrivaSphere Secure Messaging Web GUI - for security reasons decommission TLS 1.0 and 1.1
      • 25.10.2019 ca. 0800 - 1100 - Error in POPs protocol Secure Messaging - fixed
      • 26.09.2019 - XSS vulnerability in secure messaging discovered by - immediately closed [B_5591]
      • 16.07.2019 19:15 - 20:30 - Due to a network malfunction, PrivaSphere Secure Messaging could not be reached in some cases
      • 06.03.2019 19:15: 04.-06.02.2019 - There was a delay in the delivery of interoperable eGov registered mail - the problem could be solved
      • 03.02.2019 21:20 - 22:15: Failure of the central Internet connection in the main data center. All services were only limited accessible. The problem could be fixed.