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Per favore lascia al tuo mittente tempo sufficiente per trasmettere il Message Unlock Code (Codice di Sblocco del Messaggio) (MUC) "out-of-band"

What are Message Unlock Codes for?

A message unclock code or in short MUC
  • Prevents eavesdroppers from reading a message referenced by the link in the notification message.
  • Prevents erroneous recipients from reading a message referenced by the link in the notification message.
  • Allows the recipient to immediately create an account by simply choosing a permanent password ==> no activation mail is necessary. Web-based receiving is free!
  • ...

Further information on PrivaSphere's Trust Management can be found here.

More general arguments, why to trust PrivaSphere can be found here.

More information on aspects of MUCs can be found here:

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Pagina ultimo modificato: Fri, Oct 18, 2024 08:46:03 CEST; ©2002-2024 by PrivaSphere AG, all rights reserved   .